Wednesday 14 May 2008

National Flea Week 2008

TV presenter and ‘Perfect Housewife’ Anthea Turner is fronting the 3rd National Flea Week which runs from 19th-25th May 2008. Because of the recent spell of warm weather, fleas could be hatching out now and feasting on your family pets. This week is an ideal week to visit your vet for preventative treatment and advice.

Anthea’s top tips for keeping pets and homes flea-free:

  1. Vacuum carpets and soft furnishings at least every other day, paying particular attention to your pet’s favourite spots
  2. Wash your pet’s bedding (and yours if they prefer it!) regularly. Experts recommend washing at 60°C for at least ten minutes to ensure eggs, larvae and pupae are removed.
  3. Check your cats and dogs often for fleas and treat immediately. Gently part the fur and check for flea dirt (small black specks). Comb through your pet’s coat and collect any debris on a wet piece of white paper or cottonwool. If the dirt speck dissolves or makes red/brown patches, then your pet has fleas and requires treatment. Consult your vet
  4. Once you have treated your pet, adopt a preventative approach by treating your pet regularly while keeping on top of the vacuuming!
Flea Circus Director's top tip for keeping pets and homes flea-free:
  • Don't take your pets to see a Flea Circus as they may steal the show!

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